Mocha Corriedale Sliver - 8 ounces - Wholesale pricing ON SALE
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Mocha Corriedale Sliver - 8 ounces - Wholesale pricing
8 ounces
Super bulky and soft Corriedale Sliver.
Perfect for needle felting and spinning.
This is carded sliver so it is bulkier than combed top. Fluffy and lofty woolen prep makes for a loftier and softer yarn when spun. 29 to 30 micron, staple length an average of 4 inches. This color is Mocha - a gorgeous rich brown
This is carded into roving rather than combed top so it is a woolen prep fiber. The yarn you spin with this should be soft and airy. It can also be used for felting - nuno felting, wet felting, needle felting.